Data Gathering

Effortlessly collect the required client details from lifestyle to income and expenditure information. Quickly recall the details at anytime, and that is just the beginning ...

Full Fact Find

Securely hold details relating to the clients current policies or future requirements. Questions regrading PMI, Life Insurance, Life and Critical Illness, Income Protection, Accident Sickness Unemployment, Home Insurance and Travel Insurance.

As with many parts of our system you can quickly view the details held, whether it be on your desktop or a mobile device.

Medical History

Conveniently store your clients medical history in one place to be recalled at anytime, we appreciate that circumstances change and when you go to speak to client again in the future they may have had an illness or recovered from a previous condition. By having these details on file you can quickly amend records and then ready to input details to the insurer, this way it keeps an accurate track of client conditions. So no protection / medical form is filled in without all the correct information.

Income and Expenditure

Income and expenditure forms part of any fact find, but with our in-depth income and expenditure form you can identify potential sales opportunities you may not have realised before.

With our built in tax calculator it will automatically work out what net income they receive annually and monthly by simply entering their gross salary. It will also calculate all of their outgoings and give you an honest appraisal of what's left in their budget.

Compliance Suite

For more details on how in depth this is look at Compliance - Simplified. We believe we have built the most simple, yet comprehensive compliance system available. Something that would cost a firm thousands to develop is now as standard and built in to our low monthly rates.

BMI Calculator

You can automatically calculate a clients BMI rating, which in turn will tell you the likely loading each insurer may apply. This is a new approach to pre-underwriting that is only available with One23.